And after a whole month; BACK TO AMERICA!

Yes. It has taken me a WHOLE entire month to post on this blog again. Safe to say I have many excuses, because Colby and I are spending our first summer together in AMERICA of all places, so we have been very busy going on many adventures. We left Kwaj on June 13th. It was sad, saying goodbye to friends and family, but it was also very exciting. Colby and I flew to Majuro first. Funny story on the flight to Majuro (which is a neighboring island in the Marshall Island), it was about thirty minutes into the flight when I finally stopped crying (it was hard leaving home) when the pilot came onto the loud speaker to announce that we had reached cruising altitude. Well, along with telling the flight that it was safe to move about the cabin, he proceeded to say "And a special message from Steve Simpson (my dad) to Jeni Simpson and Colby McGlinn". I lost it again. It was neat, though, that my dad had connections to get the pilot to give out a personal message for 100 other people to hear! Anyways, we had four stops, three different flights until Colby and I arrived to our final destination, WASHINGTON STATE!
I'm just going to speak for everyone when I say you will NEVER get comfortable on three nonstop over 5 hour flights. Except if you are Alex McGlinn and you get to sit first class! Colby and I, because of the time change, arrived in Seattle on June 13th at 7:14pm. We left Kwajalein on June 13th at 7:00pm. So technically we had only been flying for 14 minutes.

Colby and I spent a few days in Puyallup with Colby's grandparents. Let me just say right now, they have to be the funniest people I've ever met. We stayed in their camper (which was basically a mini apartment) and got to use one of their cars to drive around freely! It was a fun experience to drive around with Colby for the first time EVER. In the six days that we were there, four of them I was bed ridden with the flue, but the last two we got the chance to venture out. We went and saw my old house in Spanaway. It was weird seeing my old stateside house. I don't even think we lived there for more than a year before we moved to Kwajalein. We also saw my old school where I think I spent third and a little bit of fourth grade. It was neat!

Then we were off to Bellingham, which is Colby's home town. It has to be one of the cutest towns I have EVER seen in my life. Of course, Colby grew up here so he doesn't think there is much to do, but I'm always finding something new to go see and do! First thing we did was go and get gym memberships (thank god we did or I would have probably gained 20 pounds by now!), and then it was time to explore. If you ever have a chance to go to the Bellingham area, I highly recommend it. It's two hours North of Seattle and 45 minutes away from the Canadian border. The town sits on Bellingham bay, which is beautiful. Mt. Baker can be seen in the distance ( on a sunny day) and the town is full of fun little shops and restaurants. My personal favorite are the many MANY antique stores. We find the neatest things in those stores! There are bike trails and walking trails all throughout the town, which is awesome because I'm very used to walking and biking! We walk to and from town everyday, and also go on little adventures through the trails, which lead to many waterfalls and little creeks. Hopefully one of these days we will be able to get up to Canada! That would be neat!

Feels like I should have many more things to talk about, on account that I've had a month of adventures to write about, but this is all I have for now! I'll be sure to update this more often now, and soon I'll try to get Colby to write some blogs (like that will ever happen!) This is just the beginning of our Adventures in the United States, and I'm excited to see what I write about next. Until next time, here's some more pictures of our Bellingham adventure so far! *spell checked by Colby* ;)
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