What a great day we had! Colby and I took a trip up to Seattle for the day because we thought it just wasn't right to be two hours away and not visit it. We got up in the morning and left Bellingham at about 8:00am by train. Train is DEFINITELY the best way to travel. It was much like getting ready to go on a plane, except there was no rushing, security, squished seats, and no VIEW!
The train seats were huge, and we sat right by a window and got to watch the whole ride. It was neat too, because the train ran all along the ocean. Five stops, and two hours later, we were in Seattle. It was (weirdly enough) SO WARM. I dressed planning on it being a bit chilly, but I had to take my jacket off the whole time we were in the city. We got out of the train station at about 11 and walked down to the waterfront. The piers along the waterfront are full of neat little shops and street vendors, there was so much to look at!
While walking along the piers, we got to see the new ferris wheel! Seattle sure didn't have one of those when I lived here (about a million years ago). Colby and I wanted to go on it, but the line basically swept across the parking lot, so we decided to keep walking instead.

We made it to Pikes Place Fish Market, which has to be one of my favorite market EVER! When I was younger we used to go there all the time, and I can say nothing has changed in the six or seven years I've been away. There were so many people we had to push and shove our way through. Of course there were many pretty things, but I kept my cool and refused to buy anything (toooo expensive for me). We spent some time walking around Pikes Place, got some food and decided to head to the museums before it got too late. The good thing about that day was that we wanted to go to the museums at the space needle, so to find our way all we had to do was head towards the space needle! For some reason, it seemed much shorter than we remembered it being. Colby REALLY wanted to go the EMP, which is a museum for really neat music, so we went. We got a military and student discount at the door so YAY! I finally got to see that tower of guitars that I've seen so many pictures of. It was HUGE. We walked around the EMP looking at really neat ACDC, Nirvana, and Jimi Hendrix exhibits.

There was a jam room where people could interact with different instruments which was alot of fun. I experimented with the bass while Colby shredded on the guitar. It was cool, because as he was playing, people would stop at his booth and listen to him (he didn't know they were there because he had his back turned to them, but I could tell they were really impressed) :)

We also went to an Avatar exhibit, and a horror film exhibit. The horror film exhibit was really neat because it had this screen that turned us into monsters. After the EMP we walked back through the city and went back to Pikes Place. I got some food, which was some awesome shrimp and home made doughnuts. I swear, I need to just go back to Pikes Place to try ALL of their food. We also wasted money on getting a caricature drawn of us that didn't look ANYTHING like us.Then we went back down to the aquarium. Colby LOVES fish, so we had a lot of fun. My favorite parts were the dark rooms with the windows of fish all over. We saw fish, including Kwaj fish, seabirds, seals and otters! After the aquarium we wandered along the pier, looked at some more shops and took some pictures. I have to say, I think we did well for six hours! We walked all throughout the city, made it to two museums, Pikes Place, and almost every shop on the pier. Good stuff. Seattle was a lot of fun and I know we both would like to travel back up there sometime and stay a couple of nights. But only in the summer, it's too cold anytime else! Here are some more pictures from our visit! Enjoy! *edited by Colby* :)