!Wandering Around Kwaj!
(pictures pictures pictures)
A walk around Kwaj is always full of awesome picture opportunities! Colby and I jumped on those opportunities and decided it would be neat to just take pictures of what we see on a normal walk around Kwaj. Houses on Kwajalein are provided by the military, so they basically all look the same. That DOES NOT mean people don't add a bit of personality to their homes.
My house has the typical bikes parked out in the front, along with a gorgeous plumeria tree right in the front yard. The white and yellow plumeria are common flower trees seen all around Kwaj, and they have to be the best smelling flowers EVER. We decided to mess around with my panorama setting on my camrea (which works amazingly). This setting gives us awesome pictures of the street as well as beaches, use it if you have one!
This is a picture walking out of my house to the main street!
This is a picture of the boat docks!
On Kwaj, people don't really worry much about how the front of their house looks, what really matters is what kind of back porch/ chill pad you have. Many people personalize their back yards with decks, plants, and sometimes fences. It's like their own little hide-away. On the weekends these back porches are always filled with grillers, chatters, and party goers. It's fun to walk along the dirt paths behind houses because of how diverse every back yard is. Everything from buoy balls, flags, surfboards, and the much needed lawn chairs can be seen in these back yards.
One of the best things about Kwaj is that not everyone has a fence, so people choose to make due with a fence of potted plants, which works perfectly fine (and adds much color to the scenery)!

Throughout all the back yards I have seen on Kwaj, Colby's back yard has to be one of best personalized ones on island! He comes from a very athletic sportsy family (they obviously surf). I've been out surfing a couple of times, and let me tell you, it's HARD to get up on a board. I still have yet to do that! Colby has many awesome things hanging in his back porch, (surfboards and buoys of all kinds) and yes, of course, what would a surfing family be without skateboards! And what would an island picture excursion be without plenty pictures of flowers! (I'm not sure what they are really called so please excuse my made up captions!)
The amazing fusia flowers that dot everyones back yards!
The flower that looks like a lily, might not be a lily, but then again might be a lily
Pink flowers that grow on a bush that my dad for some reason can't keep alive!
And the other pink pot plant flower that I wish tastes as good as it smells!

A little bit past the housing area is an alley way to the local boat docks. It's filled with MATSON crates, and giant cranes (which are also fun to take pictures with)! I tried to take a picture like I was pushing up really hard on a crane (and the face was all supposed to be acting) but REALLY, the crane was burning hot and I ended up burning my finger tips from trying to get in a good picture (so the face I made wasn't acting!). It was all worth it though! Colby and I also decided to try and take a few jumping pictures,and out of many we took, these are the only two decent ones!

Jumping pictures can be SO MUCH WORK! Not only do you have to keep photogenic facial expressions but you ALSO have to make sure your arms don't look AWKWARD AS ALL GET OUT! I give Alex McGlinn props for being able to make them so awesome! You can visit her blog at
http://www.jpwstw.blogspot.com/ to see more awesome jumping pictures! Anyways, Colby and I continued our walk down to the local docks where we got some pictures of nurse sharks, jet skiis, and lots of bikes, common things to see when in this part of town! Well, this blog post was mainly for showing off some pictures we took on a walk around Kwaj, so I'm going to stop writing and just put the rest of the pictures up (no captions, excuse me)! Enjoy, and remember; this blog has been spell checked by Colby McGlinn :) **
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